Spruha Virtual School

NIOS affiliated schools

What it means to be a leader?

Student council, a place of unlimited opportunities and learning. I consider this to be a treasure of knowledge where one can take whatever one wishes to gain.  It’s definitely a confidence booster and with that comes all its attached advantages.  Being in the council was not an added responsibility but a beautiful journey that has helped me immensely now and which I will remember in years to come.  Fun, fun, fun was the way we learnt and grew together as a team.  Council training has made a big impact on me in various ways.  Thanks to Ms. Neha for her patience with us and ensuring that the learning was an exciting process.  The core of the student council was not just a team working together but one where working together to EXCEL in whatever we took upon ourselves.

Being part of the student council has also made me realize my areas of improvement which is critical for my growth as a student as well as an individual.

Being a sports captain was a privilege and I am grateful to all my teachers and my council members for all that they have done.

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